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4.3 out of 5 stars (based on 96 reviews)
Very good1%

2 anni fa mi fece un intervento di…

February 8, 2025

2 anni fa mi fece un intervento di SIXPACK inguaiandomi ,e non ha più risposto al telefono né lui né la diciamo clinica che mi aveva fatto operare da lui : chiamatasi Pixel; comunque state attenti che promettono mare e monti prima di operare ti chiedono gli euro a me è costato 4500,00 euro e dopo che succede un inconveniente non !!! Ti rispondono più a telefono! Dott macellaio Drykutgok!!!!!!!: contattatemi pure e vi spiego tutto

Please stay away from this doctor

December 15, 2024

Please stay away from this doctor. He is not professional and not good. I have a lot of fibrosis scars because of him. My belly is not even. He has also damaged My lymph nodes. I developed so many health problems after his procedure

Делала липофилинг и маммопластику у…

November 28, 2024

Делала липофилинг и маммопластику у чудесного доктора Айкута и его прекрасной ассистентке Ирины. Все прошло замечательно начиная от встречи в аэропорту заканчивая выпиской. Ирина как ангел хранитель водила меня за руку по каждому этапу операции. Спасибо большое за комфортную красоту моего нового тела:)

Great Surgical Experience

November 23, 2024

Everything was taken care of. The staff was professional and kind.Dr Aykut was wonderful and did an incredible job. I felt taken care of and would highly recommend this experience. You won’t be disappointed.

Je tiens à partager mon expérience avec…

November 23, 2024

Je tiens à partager mon expérience avec le docteur Aykut et toute l’équipe de la clinique à Istanbul. J’ai récemment subi un lifting au niveau du visage et des le début, j’ai été agréablement surprise par leur professionnalisme et leur bienveillance.

L’ensemble du personnel a été très attentif, à l’écoute et présent à chaque étape du processus, ce qui m’a permis de vivre cette intervention en toute sérénité. Tout s’est parfaitement déroulé, un immense merci à toute l’équipe pour leur accompagnement.

Je recommande cette clinique sans hésiter !

Madame N de Belgique


November 22, 2024

Здравствуйте! Merhaba! Меня зовут Лариса! Я приехала с Москвы. Мне 54 года. Хочу сказать большое спасибо всему персоналу больнице.!!! Огромную благодарность доктору Dr.Aykut Gök.Доктор просто супер!!! Я долго выбирала доктора но больше всего мне понравился доктор Atkut Gök.Свой выбор я сделала правильно. Доктор просто супер!!!! Спасибо вам большое мой любимый доктор! Я вам очень благодарна.!!!! Скоро увидимся , я приеду к вам снова!

С ув. Лариса

Меня зовут Ирина

November 22, 2024

Меня зовут Ирина. Мне 54 года .19.11.2024 сбылась моя мечта . Я приехала с Эстонии к известному доктору Aykut Gök на круговую подтяжку лица. Операция прошла успешно и безболезненно

Доктор Aykut Gök , доктор от Бога!

Спасибо огромное доктору и всему медицинскому персоналу за ваш труд, за ваше отношение к людям за вашу заботу и теплоту . Спасибо огромное нашему куратору Ирине , которая все время была с нами и очень поддерживала нас

. Я очень довольна тем как прошла операция. Сегодня 4 е сутки после операции , практически сошли все отёки, ничего не болит ,настроение просто супер. Результат после подтяжки лица просто ошеломительный!

Я очень счастлива!

Доктор Aykut Gök , спасибо вам огромное и здоровья вашим рукам!

Вы самый крутой доктор !

Спасибо вам что вы делаете нас красивыми и очень счастливыми !

С любовью и уважением Irina Voitenko

Le meilleur docteur

November 14, 2024

J’ai été opérée par le docteur Aykut pour une abdominoplastie et je peux vous dire que c’est un magicien il a changé ma vie. Cela faisait 10 ans que je ne m’habillais plus, je me cachais derrière des vêtements larges. Je ne m’aimais plus et grâce à lui aujourd’hui j’ai retrouvée ma confiance en moi et j’adore mon nouveau corps. La douleur est très supportable et 3 jours après je pouvais bien marcher. Le service est un service VIP mon assistante Azra a été aux petits soins pour moi. L’hôtel de repos est magnifique luxueux et on y mange très bien et le personne de l’hôpital est très gentil.

Merci au docteur Aykut pour tout et surtout je dois revenir prochainement pour refaire ma poitrine je n’ai confiance qu’en lui.

I had a wonderful reception at the…

November 11, 2024

I had a wonderful reception at the clinic from start. They use the most modern equipment and technology i was pleased as i waited to be processed at the clinic. Dr Aykut was very professional and communicated well i am happy with his work and the dedication of the assistants who work with him it was a pleasant experience. He is very experienced and knows what he is doing.

Breast augmentation surgery

October 30, 2024

Dr. Aykut was highly recommended to me through a friend of mine from Germany.

Since I contacted the doctor, his staff was there for me for all my questions.

So I arrived to Istanbul on the 24th October 2024 for a breast augmentation surgery.

I came with my husband.

A big big thank you to Azra (my contact person from day 1)

She was and is still 24/7 there for me for all my questions. She was all time very professional and answered all my questions very detailed.

She also arranged everything perfectly from transport to and from our hotel, hotel booking, to surgery recommendations, etc.

Day 1: We were picked up from the airport by a private transport to our hotel.

The Hotel was in front of the hospital.

About the luxurious hotel: a modern hotel, very friendly staff, in our apartment-hotel we had a comfortable stay (with living room, balcony, kitchen with full equipment) + breakfast was included.

Day 2:

On the 25th October was my surgery day + 1 night stay at the hospital.

I arrived to the hospital in the morning for all the check ups:

Pre-op Tests, Consultation with Dr. Aykut and the anesthesiologist.

Meals were included for both of us.

Our room was ready. The hospital staff was very friendly and competent. The nurses were amazing and took really care of me.

I felt really comfortable being there.

Day 3: 26th October

Dr Aykut came on the next day after the surgery to my room to check up on me and informed about the surgery and gave me the necessary medication.

All these information was send to me again by Azra via WhatsApp. So there was no option to forget all these important details.

Day 4: 27th October

This day was Sunday and weekend. And despite this, Azra was still texting me and asking if I am feeling ok or if I need further help and information.

Day 5: 28th October: appointment to see the results.

Dr Aykut invited me to see together the results. He took his time to answer all my questions very carefully.

I have to be honest I was very surprised by the very positive result. How natural my breast is looking now has fully fulfilled my highest expectations.

Therefore, I highly recommend Dr. Aykut and if I would need other surgeries, I would definitely come back.

Vielen Dank!

Muchas gracias!

Thank you Dr. Aykut, Azra, Afaf and all staff members.

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Last updated in Jul 2023