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N’allez jamais chez Zaren clinic
Ce sont des personnes horribles qui ne pensent qu’a vous voler votre argent. Ils sont malhonnetes, inhumains et sans ame. Mon amie est devenue handicapee a vie suite a une simple pose dimplant dentaire
N’y allez jamais
To all people ! Zaren clinic is all but fake! They will tell you lies to believe them and tell you fairytales. Most of the reviews are fake reviews! I was there with my wife around november 2023, and she did a upper arm lipo, which went the wrong way. It looked completely worse than before! Near the elbow got thinner but around the upper arm was nothing done, now her arm has a chicken tight form. They told us it is just the a swelling which will go away in a few weeks. After a few weeks we contracted them again and they said wait for a few months and do this and that. Which we did! Then again we contracted them and their doctor said its muscle which is why they couldnt take out more, which was obviously a big lie. It was still fat, which we knew, so we went in munich too 5 different top plastic surgeries doctores in munich. They just needed one quick look and knew this was bulls*it. They said never was this 700cc or 1kg which was taken and the job was very badly done! Now we have to do it again for the similar price! We paid at zaren clinic nearly 4000€ which is a lot for such a bad procedure!! To all people! Dont believe what they say ! The one talking to you cannot help you and their doctors are liars. On reddit i will post this again with pictures if you want to see. But dont go to zaren!
Хочу в очередной раз произнести слова искренней благодарности в адресс клиники.
Руководителям и собственникам низкий поклон за то что они создали и плодотворно поддерживают работу этой машины
Докторам за их профессионализм
Но самое большое спасибо девочкам медпредам, за ваше терпение обьяснять нам и растолковывать шаг за шагом что, когда и зачем мы будем делать.
За то что вы всегда на связи.
За ваше хорошее отношение, настроение и энергетику.
За то как вы продумываете, строите и согласовываете со всеми графики наших процедур, что бы нам было удобно и комфортно
Особенно благодарю Моих Медицинских сопроводителей Мишель и Гонжу, они обе просто Супер!
Komunikacija diskrecija i strucnost osoba koje rade pocev od osobe koja vas ceka ispred aerodroma gospodin Ibrahim pa do strucnih i iskusnih doktora koja je veliki nivo iskustva i strucnosti .Klinika je ok pregled predooperativni ciklus sama operacija strucnost i hvala bogu na kraju sve ispada uz njihovu garanciju vise nego dobro uz sve medikamente savete i preporuke preporucio bih bez straha da ljudi dodju i zavrse njihove nedostatke
I dealt with bahar for all my surgeries she is very helpful I would really recommend her
With bahhar the best and hasel free
Благодаря на клиника ZAREN за доброто обслужване и професионализмът с които се отнесоха с мен.Възхитен съм от отношението на Бахар и Кунджа , които организираха и направиха моят престой безпроблемен от първия до последния ден.
От три години посещавам тази клиника и съм супер,супер доволна!Много луксозна клиника със прекрасни професионалисти.
А БАХАР е най ,най коректната служителка
Очарована съм от нея -винаги прави престоят ми в клиниката безболезнен и приятен !Прекрасна си Бахар!
Vorsicht Betrüger! Wenn Sie Ihre Rechnung begleichen haben nimmt keiner Kontakt mit Ihnen… Gibt es keine Garantie….
Внимание аферисты! После того как вы всё оплатили клиника перестанет отвечать на все ваши запросы относительно гарантийных обязательств. !
I had surgery last year with them, the operation was a complete failure! Deficient communication! I was left with asymmetry in the eye area! they in t assumed the error, moreover, I was not even admitted to the post-operative consultation under the conditions in which I went to Istanbul to see me and they didn’t receive me!
You can check the current pricing from their website or get an offer through our price calculator.
You can find the clinic reviews from our website. We have listed all Trustpilot and expert reviews here.