Hair Transplantation Offers

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How many grafts do I need? Free hair loss report, save on offers as low as €1750

We help you get the best hairline transplantation offers, it's free!

Welcome, is a free service that helps you compare hair transplantation offers online, simply by filling out our form. With 1000’s of clinics located everywhere from Turkey to Sweden and prices all over the place, deciding where to have hair transplantation is difficult. How can you compare prices if you don’t know exactly what you need when it comes to a hair transplant surgery?

Our free hair loss assessment report along with our clinic reviews gives you the answers so that you know what you need. With our hair loss assessment, you can start getting offers from clinics. We’ll help you save up to 75% on hair transplantation offers from some of the best clinics across the world. This really is the first step to a brand new head of hair, so let us help you decide which clinic to choose.

Depending on the stage of hair loss, calculated by Hamilton-Norwood scale, we can calculate how many grafts you need. Contact us to get answers.

Choosing between a DHI and FUE method is not always necessary. Let us tell you more!

Absolutely! While you will always be left with some scarring, the result will look 100% natural.

While any medical procedure carries risks, hair transplants are one of the safest. With proper aftercare you  have little risk of complications.

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Questions about having a hair transplant?

hairline transplantation

What is a Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation involves removal of follicles on any of your hairy body parts and replanting them on a hairless portion. The process is also used in transplanting brows and eyelashes as well as performing hairline transplantation for receding hairlines. The number of hair grafts used will depend on your individual case, and the doctor will recommend exactly what you need to achieve a natural result to your new hair. The process is carried out by specialist surgeons, but choosing the right one is perhaps the most important aspect of any hair transplant surgery. There are several methods used to transplant hair, and on this page, we will tell you all about them.

The most common method is known as Follicular hair transplantation. It is done in two ways, mainly Follicular Unit Extraction and strip harvesting. In strip harvesting, also known at FUT, strips of skin with healthy air growth are replanted to the balding areas. Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, on the other hand, involves removing hair clusters manually with their roots and replanting them on a hairless area. More on this later.

How Much Does it Cost?

Once you have decided that hairline transplantation is for you, the next thing to do is obtain information about pricing. Nobody wants to pay over the odds for anything, and cosmetic surgery is no exception. You may be surprised at just how cheap hair transplantation is, especially when you travel abroad to places like Turkey. These low costs make it more affordable than ever for patients to get a good head of hair that they have always dreamed about.

This is exactly what our website is for, to compare the best clinics, tell you everything you need to know about the process and ultimately find you the best price. We have a whole page dedicated to the cost of hairline transplantation, so be sure to check that out for detailed pricing information.

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Hair Transplantation Requirements

Who is eligible for a hair transplant?

The criteria below give some indication of who is eligible for hair transplant surgery. There are specific patient requirements, as with any cosmetic surgery, and your health and safety are very important to us. All clinics connected to the website will give you a free consultation to make sure your expectations are aligned and the medical professional is right for you. Always get medical advice from a certified physician before getting hairline transplantation. Below are some of the indicators that doctors will use before accepting a patient for a transplant.

Cause of Hair Loss

The cause of your hair loss is very important. The most popular reason is male pattern baldness, and that’s exactly why most of us need a hair transplant in the first place. However, there are other factors sometimes at play. If your head of hair is thinning or balding for other reasons, it may be a cause of concern for the surgeon. The reason for this is simple, if you are bald because of deficiencies or disease, you will continue to lose hair after your transplant. Here are some examples:

  • When hair loss is a result of predetermined familial factors
  • When hair loss is due to age
  • For women who have experienced hair loss during pregnancy
  • When you have lost hair because of nutrition deficiencies

What Are The Types Of Hair Loss?

Normal hair loss is usually undetectable unless it shows up on our clothes or pillows. There are no bold patches with normal hair loss because new hair grows in. Essentially, we’re referring to hair loss when no new hair grows to replace hair that has fallen out.

Hair loss could be caused by heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or simply ageing. It can be temporary or permanent, and it can affect only your scalp or your entire body. It. Hair loss is more common in men, but many women also experience it. The main types of hair loss are:

  • Anagen Effluvium: This hair loss is caused by medical treatments such as chemotherapy.
  • Telegen Effluvium: This type of hair loss occurs when hair follicles enter the resting stage (Telogen stage) but do not start to grow again.
  • Androgenetic Alopecia: Male or Female pattern hair loss
  • Alopecia Areata: Hair loss occurs as a result of an autoimmune condition.
  • Tinea Capitis: This is a fungal infection, most commonly found in children.
  • Cicatricial Alopecia: This is a rare form of alopecia that causes hair to fall out.
  • Hair Shaft Abnormalities: Hair loss is caused by abnormalities in the hair shaft that cause the hair to weaken and break.
  • Hypotrichosis: Hypotrichosis is a rare genetic disorder in which the scalp and body have very little hair growth.

Medical Conditions

While we would love to help every patient that wants a new hairline, for whatever personal reasons, unfortunately, some medical conditions stop us being able to. If your hair loss is a direct result of an illness, it usually means that it will continue after your transplant too. This is something doctors will look very closely at when deciding your suitability.

  • Patients suffering from homeostatic imbalances and metabolic syndromes such as hypertension and diabetes need to have their medical conditions in a stable state before undergoing hair transplantation
  • Patients suffering from other chronic disorders or health issues need to consult their doctor and notify their hair transplant surgeon before surgery
  • Patients suffering from blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D or HIV are not eligible for hair transplant surgery


While age is not a determining factor for hair transplant surgeries we advise people to wait until their hair loss patterns have stabilised, which happens in your 20s. Also, if you are over a specific age, it becomes very difficult to do a transplant. To summarise:

  • Wait until the age of at least 23 for hair loss stabilisation
  • Those over the age of 65 may struggle to have a successful transplant due to hair thinning

Sufficient Donor Hair Destiny

To put it as simply as possible, a successful transplant procedure requires a good donor area. If there aren’t enough hairs to remove and transplant, it just won’t work. The most common donor area is the back of your head.

So there are a few things to consider here before you go ahead. If you are unsure, one of our consultations will help to clarify whether or not you are a suitable patient. During our free consultations, a certified doctor will determine the most suitable donor region for you. They will also advise you as to whether the procedure is the right choice for you.

Diagnosing Your Hair Loss

The sooner you can diagnose why you are suffering from hair loss, the sooner you can find a solution for it.

Your doctor will inquire about your diet, hair care routine, and medical and family history, as well as performing a physical exam before making a diagnosis. There are some tests that can be done to help with the diagnosis,

  • A blood test could reveal medical issues that cause hair loss.
  • Your doctor could perform a scalp biopsy. This involves taking scrape samples from the skin or plucking a few hairs from the scalp to examine the hair roots under a microscope. This can help you figure out if your hair loss is caused by an infection or not.
  • Your doctor uses a special instrument to examine your hairs using light microscopy.
  • Pull test: Your doctor pulls a few dozen hairs gently to see how many fall out. This assists in determining the shedding stage.

Once the doctor has diagnosed the cause, you will be given options to treat, reverse, or control your condition. If the condition is one that cannot be treated or reversed, you can inquire at this time if you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant.

  • You will need to have enough donor hair (places to take hair follicles from to be transplanted)
  • The quality of the donor regions can impact the results of a hair transplantation
  • The more adequate donor hair regions a patient has, the more hair can be implanted
  • Patients who do not have a high enough donor hair density will not be able to have a hairline transplantation
  • Patients who do not have a high enough donor hair density will not be able to have a hairline transplantation


The good news is that you don’t have to figure all of this out yourself. This is exactly what Hairline Transplantation is here for. We connect you with world-renowned clinics and specialist surgeons that can discuss your personal circumstances. Following the consultation, you will have all of the information you need about the process, and whether it will work for you.

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The Three Cycles of Hair Growth

Long before you notice it on your head, your hair strands are busy growing! When it comes to hair growth, there are three cycles:

  • The anagen, or growing phase: This is the hair we can see on our heads and lasts between 2 and 8 years. This is the stage that 85–90% of your hair is currently in.
  • The catagen phase, or transition phase: The hair follicles shrink during this time, which takes 2 to 3 weeks.
  • The telogen phase, or resting phase: This can take anywhere from two to four months. The hair falls out at the end of this stage. The anagen phase follows, during which your hair begins to regrow all over again.


The times mentioned here describe the hairs on your head. Other hair, such as eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair, has a far shorter anagen period, being about 1 month.

Non-Surgical Hair Transplant

Transplantation is not always necessary. Especially if you are still below 25 your hair needs time to settle and a hair transplant will not solve the problem. You need to leave it longer to be able to see what your final results are before considering surgery.

There are several hair loss medications available on the market that can help you reduce your hair loss, so there’s plenty to choose from. Some are better than others, and you should always look for specific ingredients such as Collagen and Biotin. Before planning hair transplantation always consult an expert to see if you can do something to stop your personal hair loss from worsening. There may be something else you can do that doesn’t require going under the knife.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

If you want to try different hair care methods, you might improve your comfort level by not taking medication or undergoing a hair transplant. Using a volumizing styling product or changing your hairstyle to hide the parting where you’re losing hair can help.

For many men and women, wigs and extensions are an option, or shaving their hair may be the best option. Talk to your stylist about the options available. A good stylist will be able to help you without doing further damage to your hair.

Our experts offer a free hair assessment so that you can learn more about your current hair loss and if a hair transplant is going to help you. They will make a recommendation that is personal to you, and give you all of the information you need. Get your assessment here.

The Norwood Scale

The Norwood Scale
The Norwood Scale
The Norwood Scale
The Norwood Scale
The Norwood Scale
The Norwood Scale
The Norwood Scale

FUE Hair Transplantation

What is a FUE Hair Transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) refers to a minimally invasive hair transplantation procedure where hair follicles are removed from stronger areas. This is often the back of your head, where it is less noticeable and hair tends to be thicker. The follicles are then artistically restored to bald areas on your scalp, designed specifically for your case. The process is highly effective and restores the hairline, leaving it looking as natural as it could be. This is the number one appeal of an FUE transplant, as the finish is so natural, you wouldn’t even know you had a transplant in the first place.

Avantages of a FUE Hair Transplant

  • The procedure is minimally invasive, so you won’t be too uncomfortable or have any obvious signs of surgery
  • Resultant scars are invisible, usually at the back of your head and very difficult to see with the naked eye
  • The use of local anaesthesia, allowing you to remain awake during the procedure.
  • This means that there is no recovery time involved as there would be with general anaesthesia.
  • Post-treatment care for the procedure is easy and straightforward, so all you need to think about is resting

When to Choose for a FUE Hair Transplant?

  • When your hair loss isn’t associated with any autoimmune disorders
  • When you are level 3 or above on the Norwood scale
  • When you are affected by pattern baldness
  • When hair is lost from an accident or related physical harm

Sapphire FUE

Instead of the steel blades used in regular FUE transplants, This procedure uses blades made from sapphire. Sapphire blades are particularly useful for making incisions in the recipient’s skin. In order to reduce scab formation and speed up recovery, the blades are designed to create smaller microchannels within the recipient site for hair transplantation.

Follicular Unit Transplantation

What is a Follicular Unit Transplant?

Follicular unit transplantation refers to a hair restoration technique that is also referred to as the strip procedure. Here, a patient’s hair is transplanted in its naturally occurring groups of between 1 to 4 hairs. These groups are known as follicular units and contain nerves, sebaceous glands, some fine vellus hairs and a small muscle. It is now considered to be a slightly outdated method, with many others developed since. Although it is still offered with most clinics and remains to be the preferred solution with some patients.

Advantages of a Follicular Unit Transplant

  • A large number of follicle units can be transferred in one session, so there is no need for multiple transplantations procedures
  • Recommended for clients that aren’t in a position to commit to multiple surgery dates
  • A shorter healing time as fewer incisions are made during this procedure, so you can recover faster and get back to everyday life
  • Donor hair can also be harvested from facial- or body hair, wherever you have the most

When to Choose for a Follicular Unit Transplant?

  • If you have lost hair due to physical injury
    With natural thinning hair
  • If you require virtually no scarring
  • Consider a FUT if you need a quick recovery

DHI Hair Transplantation

What is a DHI Hair Transplant​?

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a relatively new procedure that leaves no visible scars and gives high-quality results. While the grafting procedure is highly similar to the FUE, some differences are worth noting. One of the biggest differences with DHI compared to other methods is the price. You will often pay more for this technique, but the results are also much better. Let’s look into some of the advantages of DHI.

Advantages of a DHI Hair Transplant​

  • No scarring as there are no incisions associated with the procedure, so the most natural hairline possible. The method allows multiple root transfers, hence better final results
  • No suture or grooving is done and therefore no associated problems after surgery and a much faster recovery time
  • Sowing of the new implants can be done without shaving existing hair, giving better results and no questionable shaven spots.

When to Choose for a DHI Hair Transplant​?

  • If you have lost hair due to a physical injury
  • Choose a DHI hair transplant if your scalp is thinning out naturally
  • If you are looking for a hair transplantation procedure with the least recovery period
  • You can choose DHI if you are looking for a completely painless hair transplant procedure

Types Of Hair Transplants

So, Which Is The Best Hair Transplantation Method?

The best method of hair transplantation is the one that provides the best results for you as an individual patient, and this will differ case-by-case. That said, technology developments have meant that much newer techniques are producing the best results we have ever seen.

There are arguments for each, but the leading methods are FUE and DHI and for obvious reasons. As well as the lack of scarring and much shorter recovery time, these also have the most natural end result. The aim of a successful hair transplant is for it to look like your hair has grown naturally, and this is completely possible when using these new modern ways of doing it.

Your doctor will talk you through each type, and which is most suitable for you and your personal circumstances. You may have done enough research already and know exactly which method you prefer, but it may be that there is a better one for your specific hair loss.

Results after transplant

Your surgeon will inform you of everything you should expect and when, as well as how you should take care of yourself, your hair, and your scalp after your operation. It is crucial that you follow this advice, as failing to do so can mean that the hair transplant can fail.

In the next few months after your hair transplant, you will be seeing an unmistakable change in your hair. You will have a fuller head of hair, as all the hair you will grow will be natural. This is going to give you the opportunity to try new hairstyles with confidence.

How Do I Choose A Clinic?

There are thousands of hair transplantation clinics across the world, so choosing where to go is often the most difficult part of the process. There are several important factors to consider when assessing clinics, from the quality of the doctors, and the facility, to their cost and payment plans.

This is a lot to think about, and it’s important to know what you’re looking for. is here to do all of the hard work for you. On our website, you won’t just find plenty of information on hair loss and solutions, but also detailed reviews of hair transplant clinics. Travelling abroad for your surgery can save you a lot of money, so if you hadn’t considered it before, we’re here to change your mind. The very best clinic for you, at the very best price, may just be in another country. But don’t worry, packages tend to include everything from the procedure to accommodation during your stay.

All-inclusive packages

These packages are meant to make your experience as simple and affordable as possible. Once you arrive in the destination country, they will provide transportation by car between the airport, hotel, and clinic. Your accommodation will be taken care of, and you will be given a medical package as a follow-up. This package frequently includes an infinite number of grafts, making it a good choice if you need a large number of grafts. You can also hire an International Patient Host, who will be available to help you with any language barriers 24 hours a day.

Custom Packages are also available upon request. This will enable you to create your own bundle that includes some or all of the features of an all-inclusive package. You are welcome to bring your family and stay for a long period of time.

Some even provide a group discount. A bundle deal for groups of people who are getting cosmetic treatment at the same time. This package will differ depending on which clinics are selling it.

Feel free to check out the clinic reviews, and pick your favourite from the list. You can also make it even easier by getting in touch and letting us decide which clinic from our expert list is best for you and your needs. The choice is yours!

Hairline Transplantation


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Hair Transplant Questions and Answers

Hair loss could be as a result of many factors. These could include hormonal changes happening in your body during pregnancy, low proteins in your diet as well as a physical injury.

Make sure you take your time for a hair transplantation procedure as it requires an adjusted lifestyle for 1-2 weeks, including protecting the scalp from direct sunlight. Not using hair dryers or other forms of heat on the scalp. Not participating in sports or wearing tight collared shirts.

You need a specialized and experienced surgeon for the hair transplant. Like any medical procedure, it is good to check reviews and make sure the surgeon has experience with your specific case. Hair loss is quite different based on gender, ethnicity or severity.

Cost of the procedure should also be a factor to consider when choosing the right medical facility to have the hair transplant procedure conducted. The main reason for costs changing is the country you are in (i.e. higher wages, rent, etc.)

  • The extent of the hair restoration you need to be done
  • More extensive cases may require a specialized medical facility (like an HIV positive hair transplant)
  • The qualification of the supporting team during a transplant is equally important
  • Finally, the doctor could also give contacts of previous patients at the facility

Just as with any other surgical procedure, a hair plant comes with various risks. These are risks you may need to be aware of before undergoing a transplant. While a hair transplant is generally considered a safe process, you may experience some inflammation, swelling or little pain.

– Swelling and bleeding of the scalp are common in some patients after hair transplantation.

  • You may also experience some itching on your scalp
  • While an infection on the scalp is rare it can occur
  • Some patients may experience shock loss (temporary hair loss) after a hair transplantation

Medical statistics indicate that hair transplants are more successful as compared to most other hair restoration procedures. Notably, these procedures do not work for everyone, more so if the loss of hair is associated with poor dieting. Hair transplants are best for hair lost naturally through thinning or balding.

A hair transplant is a highly variable procedure whose costs range between £1000 and $15,000. It mostly depends on the location, type of procedure you settle for as well as your surgeon’s skills. The amount of hair you need to be transplanted could also affect the pricing. A hair transplant in Turkey is for example between £1000 and £2500.
A lot of people believe that a hair transplant is painful. On the flip side, a hair transplant procedure is generally pain-free. The only little pain you might feel is perhaps the initial injection. Once the local anaesthesia is administered, the rest of the procedure is generally painless.
A hair transplant procedure involves getting hair from the thicker parts of a patient’s scalp, or other body parts and grafting it to a thinning section. It may involve transplanting lots of hair over some time. Over the years, surgeons have learnt using micro-grafts in a bid to minimize the appearance of the hair transplants on the scalp.
Yes. It’s a permanent medical procedure. During the transplant, your healthy follicles are used to fill your balding areas on the scalp. Indeed, the transplanted hairs are considered resistant to the hair loss causing hormone, making hair transplants permanent.
Hair transplants can look as natural as possible, depending on the expertise of the surgeon. You need a surgeon with proper understanding and experience in hair transplants. With an experienced surgeon, your transplant will look as natural as possible.